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Hey, nice update. One problem, though.

In this latest version, 20110622?, Ion Rings aren't drawn yet they are still in the game. They are essentially invisible projectiles.
Firefox11 (2011/06/22 22:17) : [97]
After some testing, it seems it might have to do with Extra Parameter(s) 9 and 10. The invisibility has been reported on older bosses as of now, too. Firefox11 (2011/06/22 23:06) : [98]
Is there a reason the Pair-Aim panel parts are off by about 3-7 degrees when moving with a boss? Rumia (2011/06/22 02:16) : [95]
That problem occurs by structure of the program. mon (2011/06/22 21:07) : [96]
When do you think the next version will be ready? Person (2011/06/02 00:57) : [91]
Would you be able to add some sort of feature for a bullet to curve towards a specific direction, instead of simply a certain amount? PureQuestion (2011/05/25 07:52) : [79]
Well, I do have a problem with a boss I made, if you want to help. I can't seem to get the Damage Transfer to work on the 2nd phase of the boss.


Person (2011/05/23 22:58) : [76]
The parts which set damage transfer have to set durability more than 1.
This is a little inconvenient, so it's changed in the next version.
mon (2011/05/24 20:57) : [77]
Ah, Ok! Thank you. Person (2011/05/25 02:01) : [78]
投稿テスト mon (2011/05/20 23:33) : [74]
返信テスト mon (2011/05/20 23:34) : [75]
The Wishlist has been updated.


Can't wait to see the next version! :D
Person (2011/02/27 07:16) : [66]
レーザーの固有パラメータがどうなっているのか固有パラメータメモを見ても分からないです ゴマ (2011/02/26 14:26) : [63]
mon (2011/02/27 00:16) : [65]
Another Question. How difficult would it be to extend the Reflect function to the other bullet-like weapons? Rumia (2011/02/17 21:43) : [56]
It isn't added by the same reason as homing option. mon (2011/02/27 00:13) : [64]
Would like to ask a question. What do the Damage rate, Change Destroy Effect Size, Change Destroy Flag, and Change Destroy delay events do, and how do they work? No one has figured it out yet, and randomly adding values to them doesn't seem to do anything. Rumia (2011/02/10 22:04) : [53]
This may help alittle bit. Link:

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Person (2011/02/12 09:38) : [54]