Garo here again, according to a FRAXY user, he is unable to use &! in the TRY. Is it a bug?

Also, on an unrelated note, what does the name FRAXY mean? Just asking out of curiosity. :)
Garo (2014/12/14 04:23) : [1009]
Also, said user also reported not being able to use rand() in a TRY, as well as not being able to change the explosion size of the bullet, in the player bullet part. He can however do that with the blaster option of the player bullet part. Garo (2014/12/14 04:35) : [1010]
> &!
TRY Script does not support that operator, the following operators needs replacement.
a &! b -> ((a&b)==0)
a &= b -> ((a&b)==b)

FRAction + galAXY
Also, SOLL is a mixing of three words, sol, soul and cell.
mon (2014/12/15 00:28) : [1012]
> rand()
I could not found a bug.

If the following script does not work, it is a bug, but may not fix it.

"FRAXY_TRY","Sample - rand()"
"Repeat", 4
"Message", "rand(100)="+rand(100)
"Wait", 400

> explosion size of the bullet
The explosion size is affected by the hit box.
In the Bullet, the hit box size is fixed.
mon (2014/12/15 00:28) : [1013]