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Hello, Rumia here with a question about IMAGEFONT. Do the picture files used with the it have to match up to the provided example image exactly? Or is it possible to create an original one?

Thanks in advance.
Rumia : [1014]
The size is variable, but cannot change the sequence order.
This is to depend on the character code.
mon : [1015]
Garo here again, according to a FRAXY user, he is unable to use &! in the TRY. Is it a bug?

Also, on an unrelated note, what does the name FRAXY mean? Just asking out of curiosity. :)
Garo : [1009]
Also, said user also reported not being able to use rand() in a TRY, as well as not being able to change the explosion size of the bullet, in the player bullet part. He can however do that with the blaster option of the player bullet part. Garo : [1010]
> &!
TRY Script does not support that operator, the following operators needs replacement.
a &! b -> ((a&b)==0)
a &= b -> ((a&b)==b)

FRAction + galAXY
Also, SOLL is a mixing of three words, sol, soul and cell.
mon : [1012]
> rand()
I could not found a bug.

If the following script does not work, it is a bug, but may not fix it.

"FRAXY_TRY","Sample - rand()"
"Repeat", 4
"Message", "rand(100)="+rand(100)
"Wait", 400

> explosion size of the bullet
The explosion size is affected by the hit box.
In the Bullet, the hit box size is fixed.
mon : [1013]
Given that HSP takes a lot after BASIC, the most important parts needed for porting are methods and algorithms used in Fraxy, for example fade types, or reading the TRY code.

Graphics processing can be worked over with the help of a different library in Python called Pyglet, which also uses OpenGL. I could alternatively use Pygame, which uses SDL instead, but I don't think that would do good for performance.

HSP is easy to understand, too. So there shouldn't be much of an issue understanding how certain functions work with some study from my side.
Garo : [1008]
I'm anxious about the readability of the source code.
Ashamed, the source code is very *very* dirty.
It is a result of the patchy maintenance for eight years.
So the source code was closed all the time.
I can not improve this problem immediately.
Please put on hold about the porting of the main program.
mon : [1011]
Hello, this is Garoslaw from the UFF. First, I would like to thank you for working on FRAXY for so many years, you've been quite an inspiration to me, and everyone else in the UFF.

The reason why I write this message is that I wanted to ask about porting FRAXY to a different programming language.
I often write programs in Python, and recently I had an idea of making additional tools for FRAXY (Ship Spritesheet editor, BG Making tool, etc.). Then I wondered if porting the game itself over to Python would be possible.
I understand it might take a long while before the project would gain some significant progress is made.
Would you allow for such a project to happen? If yes, would you like to cooperate to making it happen?

Hope we could work together!
Garo : [1004]
I think porting is difficult because the HSP language specifications are unique.
HSP has a C language converter, but some functions are not supported, and FRAXY uses those functions.
Also, graphic processing is obstacle to porting, this is the reason that cannot use other libraries.

I do not object to the project.
However, I cannot write Python and other languages, so I may not cooperate very much.
mon : [1007]
Hello again, Rumia here again with another round of questions~ Do let me know if I'm throwing these out too often.

Right, our first question from the UFF is as follows.

"Would it be possible to implement rotating backgrounds? By this I mean spinning the background picture in a TRY."

And our second question is also from the UFF.

"Are animated images a possible addition to Fraxy? Like .gif files or would that be something HSP cannot do?"

That's all for now, take your time in getting back to us, as we're in no rush. Have a good day~
Rumia : [1003]
> rotating backgrounds
That cannot implement by a performance and quality probrems.

> animated images
HSP does not support animated gif file, and I do not have a plan to implement it.
If you want to use animated images, please try the following script.
mon : [1005]
"FRAXY_TRY","Sample - Animation"

imageID = 0
"loadImage","common_06.bmp", imageID

"CreateObject", objID1, 0, 0, 100, 100, -1, 32
"AddSubScript", "*ANIMATION1", subID1

"CreateObject", objID2, 0, 0, 200, 100, -1, 32
"AddSubScript", "*ANIMATION2", subID2

"Wait", 400

frame1 = (frame1+1)%12 // 0~11
"ObjectImage", objID1,imageID, frame1*80,0, 80,80, 4,255
"Wait", 5 // animation speed
"Goto", "*ANIMATION1"

frame2 = (frame2+1)%12
"ObjectImage", objID2,imageID, frame2*80,0, 80,80, 4,255
"Wait", 2
"Goto", "*ANIMATION2"
mon : [1006]
Hello again, Rumia here. I had a question I'm passing on from the Unoffcial Fraxy Forum. The first, was "Would you be able to support tiling backgrounds for Fraxy?" And the second was "Would the new HSP allow Fraxy to do Vector Scaling?"

Feel free to respond at any time, and happy holidays from your fans all around the world!
Rumia : [1001]
> Would you be able to support tiling backgrounds for Fraxy?
Tiling backgrounds will complicate a background system a little bit, so I don't want to implement it.

> Would the new HSP allow Fraxy to do Vector Scaling?
No, the new version of HSP hardly has a change for a Windows version.
mon : [1002]
Rumia again~
Ran into a strange error when I went to switch a part in this .fed file. I went to switch the Screen(Invert) part in the middle into a small core, and it produced an error. Think you can tell what it is?

Thanks in advance.
uploaded Rumia : [999]
Fixed with the next version. mon : [1000]
This is what I have so far, if you'd like the entire thing along with the TRY resources, I'd be happy to send it as well. uploaded Rumia : [996]
Added new function "SetScriptAddress".
Please try this.
mon : [997]
Awesome, I can continue with my TRY coding now that this issue has been solved. Thank you very much! Rumia : [998]
So I have something of a problem with the current version of Fraxy. I've created a subscript to take care of game over detection, but when I have the subscript travel back to the main menu through labels, it does so as Script ID 2 instead of the Main Script so the script kept going on.

Is there anyway you can add a way to adjust what script ID subscripts affect which?
Rumia : [994]
What function/script do you use for game over detection?
If you can, please upload a sample.
mon : [995]
これはエラーまた1ま意図した効果ですかどうかはわからないよ。 私は添字システムを使用して通知システム上でゲームを作りましたが、私は下付き文字は、 メインメニューにすぺてのものを返しているとき、それはスクリプトIDが0(こは影響しません、こ れはスクリプトシステムでは見落としです、または何らかの方法あなたがそこにりす添え字が 影響を与えることができることをがインスクリプトを変更するようにTRYスクリプトに機能を追加 することができますか?
Rumia : [992]
That machine translation cannot understand well.
Please post the original English message once again.
mon : [993]
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